The Gut, The Schlecht, and The Hässlich
Hallo. I am now into my fourth week (can that be right?) in Munich (oder München). At any rate, the 16th will be one month, and I think after that, I had better stop counting for a while. Things have felt really busy here. I still have classes every day, which are mostly fun, though I feel I am progressing slowly.
Todd, myself, and Jeff (Todd’s friend and co-worker) did get out the weekend before last for a hike in the Alps. It was a beautiful hike, with a really diverse landscape--forests, meadows, a river, and waterfalls. And, after a few hours into the hike, you can stop at a little alpine hut for refreshments. We all drank Radlers (half Bier, half lemon soda), and Todd and Jeff ate some Wieners. They also had on offer something which is quaintly referred to as “Dick Milch”. I’m assuming that Dick translates as “thick” (O.K., so it's actually Buttermilk)-- we all had a good laugh over it, and settled for Bier and soda. Here are a few photos from that adventure:

Right now, my sister (Heather) and Abby are here for a visit. This trip was somewhat spontaneous, and they are touring Paris and Munich. Hopefully, as I write this, they are out doing something fun. We have been to Biergartens, the town center, the market, the Christopher Street Day Parade (or the Pride parade, which happened to be last weekend), and the Pinakothek der Moderne. It has been raining a lot (Saturday was thankfully a dry day), but hopefully over the next two days here they will be able to head off to see Dachau, and maybe get out for a hike, or to see a castle somewhere just outside the city. I haven’t had too much opportunity yet to see all of the popular sites, so I feel like an inadequate guide. Here they are enjoying their first Mass, and some fun photos from the Christopher Street Day parade, including hot men in Lederhosen, and other characters we see traipsing around in Munich on a reguluar basis...

I've got more to say, but I'll save it for the next post, which hopefully won't take me so long to get to.
Bis Später,
Todd, myself, and Jeff (Todd’s friend and co-worker) did get out the weekend before last for a hike in the Alps. It was a beautiful hike, with a really diverse landscape--forests, meadows, a river, and waterfalls. And, after a few hours into the hike, you can stop at a little alpine hut for refreshments. We all drank Radlers (half Bier, half lemon soda), and Todd and Jeff ate some Wieners. They also had on offer something which is quaintly referred to as “Dick Milch”. I’m assuming that Dick translates as “thick” (O.K., so it's actually Buttermilk)-- we all had a good laugh over it, and settled for Bier and soda. Here are a few photos from that adventure:

Right now, my sister (Heather) and Abby are here for a visit. This trip was somewhat spontaneous, and they are touring Paris and Munich. Hopefully, as I write this, they are out doing something fun. We have been to Biergartens, the town center, the market, the Christopher Street Day Parade (or the Pride parade, which happened to be last weekend), and the Pinakothek der Moderne. It has been raining a lot (Saturday was thankfully a dry day), but hopefully over the next two days here they will be able to head off to see Dachau, and maybe get out for a hike, or to see a castle somewhere just outside the city. I haven’t had too much opportunity yet to see all of the popular sites, so I feel like an inadequate guide. Here they are enjoying their first Mass, and some fun photos from the Christopher Street Day parade, including hot men in Lederhosen, and other characters we see traipsing around in Munich on a reguluar basis...

I've got more to say, but I'll save it for the next post, which hopefully won't take me so long to get to.
Bis Später,
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