Das ist nicht lustig!
Hmmm. Maybe I will start every entry with new favorite German vocabulary words. Or maybe not, that is a lot of pressure after all. Anyway, today’s word is Schadenfreude. Do you know this one (because my Microsoft Word spellchecker apparently does)? Literally translated, the compound word (of course) is “damage delight”. The noun means delight in the misfortunes of others. I fucking love that there is a word for this!
Speaking of the misfortune of others, today is Allerheiligen, or All Saints’ Day, and here in Munich, it is a public holiday. I just returned a little bit ago from the local cemetery. It is a beautiful tradition, as families and friends head to the cemetery decorating the gravesites of loved ones with candles and flowers. Just about every grave had been tended to and red glowing lights of candles were everywhere. The biggest show of remembrance was at the huge monument for Rudolph Moshammer , who was something of a local icon here in Munich, and was murdered in January of this year. Apparently, he didn’t realize that prostitutes like to get paid for their services. Oooops. Anyway, he was obviously well loved.
The only exciting adventure I have to report on is our mini-trip to Rome, which was last weekend. I was so excited to see Italy for the first time; I packed up only clothing with expandable waistlines and did lots of research on where to eat. What I want to do right now is give you a blow-by-blow list of everything we ingested, but it is too embarrassing, so I won’t. Instead, I will suffice it to say that we had a much-needed break from the land of many meats.
Oh yeah, we did other stuff, you know, in between eating. We stayed in a seedy hotel. I felt so dirty we needed redemption. We went to the Vatican, but the lines were long, and we were getting hungry, so the Sistine chapel will have to wait until the next visit. From the outside though, I must say, it is all quite impressive.
Mostly what we did (besides eat) was walk around and check out the city, and many ancient ruins. We spent a lot of time at Largo di Torre Argentina, where we had a tour of the ruins, and the cat sanctuary that has been squatting at this location for quite some time. Todd and I are on never ending quests when we travel somewhere new to determine whether or not the city in question is “cat city.” Rome definitely fits the bill. Cats were everywhere, including many one-eyed, three legged, or otherwise unfortunate felines. I came home with about 20 flea bites. Still itchy. Anyway, here are a few photos from our trip.

Largo di Torre Argentina

This is a cat

Study in forms with red doc martin mary jane

I don’t have much else in the way of news. Getting lots of work done on my project, and perhaps soon some of you will get to see it, and give me a little feedback. If you are interested in seeing it, let me know. For the time being, have Schadenfreude that it is me rather than you staring at this project day in and day out. Ha.
Bis Später,
Speaking of the misfortune of others, today is Allerheiligen, or All Saints’ Day, and here in Munich, it is a public holiday. I just returned a little bit ago from the local cemetery. It is a beautiful tradition, as families and friends head to the cemetery decorating the gravesites of loved ones with candles and flowers. Just about every grave had been tended to and red glowing lights of candles were everywhere. The biggest show of remembrance was at the huge monument for Rudolph Moshammer , who was something of a local icon here in Munich, and was murdered in January of this year. Apparently, he didn’t realize that prostitutes like to get paid for their services. Oooops. Anyway, he was obviously well loved.
The only exciting adventure I have to report on is our mini-trip to Rome, which was last weekend. I was so excited to see Italy for the first time; I packed up only clothing with expandable waistlines and did lots of research on where to eat. What I want to do right now is give you a blow-by-blow list of everything we ingested, but it is too embarrassing, so I won’t. Instead, I will suffice it to say that we had a much-needed break from the land of many meats.
Oh yeah, we did other stuff, you know, in between eating. We stayed in a seedy hotel. I felt so dirty we needed redemption. We went to the Vatican, but the lines were long, and we were getting hungry, so the Sistine chapel will have to wait until the next visit. From the outside though, I must say, it is all quite impressive.
Mostly what we did (besides eat) was walk around and check out the city, and many ancient ruins. We spent a lot of time at Largo di Torre Argentina, where we had a tour of the ruins, and the cat sanctuary that has been squatting at this location for quite some time. Todd and I are on never ending quests when we travel somewhere new to determine whether or not the city in question is “cat city.” Rome definitely fits the bill. Cats were everywhere, including many one-eyed, three legged, or otherwise unfortunate felines. I came home with about 20 flea bites. Still itchy. Anyway, here are a few photos from our trip.

Largo di Torre Argentina

This is a cat

Study in forms with red doc martin mary jane

I don’t have much else in the way of news. Getting lots of work done on my project, and perhaps soon some of you will get to see it, and give me a little feedback. If you are interested in seeing it, let me know. For the time being, have Schadenfreude that it is me rather than you staring at this project day in and day out. Ha.
Bis Später,