A Lange Story
So, my favorite German word, up until last week, was Krankenschwester. A Krankenschwester is a LONG word that means nurse. Literally translated, it means “sick sister.” Apparently, here in Germany, men can be nurses as well, but they are not Krankenschwesters, or even Krankenbruders, for that matter. They are something else.
Anyway, this week I have a new favorite German word. The word is Schlange. A Schlange is a snake (a LONG animal). Schlange is my new favorite word because my sense of humor has not matured past the 5th grade. But then, you already knew that.
In the spirit of things that are LONG, I have some photos to share from the last few weeks….

These men have LONG beards (Lisa, by the way, is the new fan club president of Beard Team USA, and if you have any questions regarding membership, I will gladly pass along her information).

Lisa and Frank are LONGing for some more Bier.

I bought a LONG Dirndl (and this is Monika. She’s been wearing Dirndls for a LONG time.)

Hey Todd, why the LONG face?

This guy has a short bun.
So, to make a LONG story short, the last few weeks have been busy and fun. Lisa and Frank were here, and their friends Kelly and Irwin joined us. We’ve been to Oktoberfest, and around Munich, and even a day trip to Salzburg. Last night, Nissa arrived, so we are getting ready to wander around Munich, and see a bit of the Fest. There is an honest to God “Flea Circus” that I am hoping to catch....
Anyway, this week I have a new favorite German word. The word is Schlange. A Schlange is a snake (a LONG animal). Schlange is my new favorite word because my sense of humor has not matured past the 5th grade. But then, you already knew that.
In the spirit of things that are LONG, I have some photos to share from the last few weeks….

These men have LONG beards (Lisa, by the way, is the new fan club president of Beard Team USA, and if you have any questions regarding membership, I will gladly pass along her information).

Lisa and Frank are LONGing for some more Bier.

I bought a LONG Dirndl (and this is Monika. She’s been wearing Dirndls for a LONG time.)

Hey Todd, why the LONG face?

This guy has a short bun.
So, to make a LONG story short, the last few weeks have been busy and fun. Lisa and Frank were here, and their friends Kelly and Irwin joined us. We’ve been to Oktoberfest, and around Munich, and even a day trip to Salzburg. Last night, Nissa arrived, so we are getting ready to wander around Munich, and see a bit of the Fest. There is an honest to God “Flea Circus” that I am hoping to catch....
hahaha kool blog- i now know a lot of German words
ok being that i was in 5th grade with you AND that NOPE I havent matured any at all either I would like to tell you the ONLY german I know over the years.
ich habe eine lange Schlange and
haben Sie eine lange Schlange
heeeeee how terrible is that being as I do not have a snake of my own. Love Shannon
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